Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

My new shabby artistic pieces

My latest painted shabby roses. I painted on office supplies. I thought it would make a nice gift or a stocking stuffer for someone who loves the them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Image Power Of The Cross

I imagined this image the fire or power of the cross, the power of Christ to bring salvation to the world by giving his life. I read
1 Corinthians 1:18

Monday, October 27, 2008

Autumn in North Carolina

Looking Out of the Window in North Carolina, I saw all of these beautiful colors. The trees color palette are rich and jeweled. When my children where small they would go outside,jump in the leaf pile I'd just gathered for my compost. At first I'd be a little peeved but I could not help but laugh because those kids where so cute. They would even get the neighborhood kids involved. I soon gave them the job of gathering leave (Oh did the tide turn).
This painting came of those images and is being offered on eBay.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Son Finding His Way

Yesterday I watched My son sleeping. He is so quiet these days. Sometimes I hear him calling out in his sleep. I woke him up and he looks at my puzzled. He is a Quadriplegic on a vent. I tried to get him to talk to me, friends, or a professional. He just brush it off and says I worry to much. He became a quadriplegic two days before his 13Th birthday. The doctors never found the cause of it. "If I could" is the song that plays in my heart. I try to be upbeat for him but in actuality he is my encouragement.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Needed Sunshine

I yellow is such a happy color so you know I had to paint my yellow roses. I started painting this picture channeling happy thoughts after hearing news of the banking bailout. Why are we the taxpayers the scape goats? Why can't some of this money go directly to homeowners forgiving some of the mortgage debt? I needed to divert my mind. Yellow was my color. There needs to be more oversight of the banking industry. I am praying. If you would like to purchase a print click the title
What do you think about bail out?

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's My World

This is my latest Design at cafepress. It my Gothic side. It kind of pretty goth. You can purchase this design by clicking the title.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Poppies Poppies

This painting of poppies in a field and me daydreaming about a place in North Carolina.Click the title to purchase a print.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Burning Bush and The Angel

My visual interpretation of Moses encounters the Angel in the burning bush . This is an abstract painting

Exodus 3:1-2
1Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
2And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

If you like this painting click to purchase a print on canvas at

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rose By Rose

These are part of my red rose series. These paintings are at title to purchase print on canvas.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Rose

I love to paint abstract roses. Click title to purchase a print.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Dance

I was inspired by ballroom dancers doing the salsa. They where so intense as those all they could see was each other. Click title to purchase print on canvas.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A man and a woman in space

I have been experimenting with a man and a woman clinging together balanced,suspended in space. I love the look of oil, and palette knife on canvas.
Click title to purchase print on canvas.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Art as Therapy

I have been in the hospital and on bedrest for a while. I read a lot of novels, newspaper, watched TV and got so flustered at being still. I took out my paint brushes, my oil paints and acrylics and started painting what ever came to me.
I like canvas to paint on. I like that I can order canvas on line, but I even recycled newspapers by brushing gesso on to the pages. I hope you like my abstract rose and daisy bouquet.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Abuse of Power Reinstated

About mid January at 4 in the morning there was a knock at our door. My son's nurse answered and there were police with their guns drawn. They came through the lower level of my house. The nurse woke my son who woke my husband up who had been to the hospital for twelve hours with my daughter. My husband stood at the top of the stairs while the police officer yelled for my husband to move. My husband asked "what for." The officer claims he had an emergency call from our house someone screaming for help. Then the police officer miss quoted the 4Th Amendment. They didn't have a warrant. My husband stood there not letting him past. My three daughters where in their beds as well as myself. This one officer acted very much like a bully towards my husband. My husband protecting us stood at the top of the stairs. I recently saw an article about The DC government rehiring officer fired because of miss conduct(Washington Post Tuesday, May 20, 2008; Page B01). Here in DC many are afraid to call the police. You don't know who they will send. Later on my husband called the non emergency police number and found that 911 had been dial but their wasn't someone screaming for help. The nurse accidentally pressed the redial button. The number had been dialed earlier for my daughter. He not only misquoted the 4Th Amendment but he also lied. Where do you go for help in DC.? I have met some really nice police officers here don't get me wrong. I think being an officer in today's climate is very very hard and dangerous. I also feel that there are those with no morals, no manners and have violent tendencies. I wonder if their fellow officers worry about that conduct. Their are a lot of very very brave men and women who dedicates themselves whole heartily to this profession. I feel that it is a calling to be an officer. We already have to worry about the criminals now we have to worry about this small group of police too. I hope not.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Embellished towels

Waverly Towels I embellished

The Guest~bath~Show towels with bouquets of roses using
French bistro Fabric by Henry Glass 100% cotton~the sweetest pink ticking around a vintage reproduction which has been discontinued ~
venise lace fluffy Double ruffles in two different fabrics, rosebuds-fabric and cute polka dots.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Battle, Computer play or Homework

I can surely say that "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire." I am in the middle of three teen girls. They all have different personalities. They clash and bring the fight to me. If one of them perceives you taking sides God help you. Then they unite and the fight is against me. I feel as though I am in the middle of a buzz saw at times. I look at them and think in my mind show no fear. You are the mom. My goal initial is to get them to come to a peaceful resolution but then it turns truly ugly. I thank God I'm able to keep my cool most of the time after all moms are human beings too. You have to show them how to handle themselves under stress keeping your cool in the heat of battle. Homework always bumps playing games on the computer. If someone is playing or chatting with their Friends and another person needs the computer for homework, well playtime is bumped off. I stick to this house rule. Of Course they always come back with I’m sorry, the hugs and kisses and peace is restore until the next day.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today I spoke with my sister in law for almost 2 hours. I found myself planning in my head a trip to meet family who are scattered to the four winds of the US. With the gas prices rising, trips normally taken are being postponed or all together scraped. A friend of mine drives a large truck spending $400 a month in gas going back and forth to work. She wanted to buy a smaller car. Even so $300 something a month, and insurance for the car was still to much. The old car is paid for. What can hard working people do?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Potty Training

One of my relatives asked me about potty training being that I had five babies to potty train. For a while the subject would come up one way or another in our long distant phone calls. The only thing I could say to her is that the baby would let her know when he was ready to start to use the potty. She was in a hurry to stop with the diapers. I told her she should try the pullups. There are many types of disposable Cloth-like pants. My babies begain somewhere between the ages of 15 months and 3 years. Babies are little people with their own personalities and their own timing to do things.
My oldest son start showing signs when he was around 18 months. He would tug at his little diaper when he needed to make his poopy. We didn't have pull ups at that time. You are so lucky for that. We used training pants with the plastic on the outside which my son hated. By the time I blinked, he would appear before me with a naked bottom. All I could see was his little tushie running away from me, when he saw me coming to put the plastic back on him.That was hair pulling out time for me. Then I tried buying the traing pants that did't have the plastic on them. He was much happier but I was on serious poop alert.
I started making up games to play with him while he was on the potty. I put the potty in hallway of my apartment to make it easier for him to get to. We clapped hands with a Wee--ee you did it yell everytime he made it to the potty amd made a peep peep or a poopy. Sometimes I would lay on the floor beside him an read him one of his favorite story books. We turned on his fire engine with the noisey whistle and the red streaming lights. I became more relaxed as me went on. My husband got in on the act and would swoop him up into his arms after we cleaned his bottom off with hugs and kisses and a "that my little big boy."
My second son wanted to use the potty because he saw his big brother using it. They are 11 months apart. My youngest daughter potty trained at 3 years. She didn't care that her two older sister and two older brothers were going. She took her own sweet time. They all were different in their own way, they showed signs of being ready. My children were so cute together trying to help me with potty training one another. My eldest son taught me a lesson of patients while he was potty training. Each one of my five children added to that lesson. It was a journey we took together as a family. It became less stressfull with their little giggly laughs and clapping hands.